Monday, 25 April 2011

Recap Bake for the Quake: Over $600 Raised in Just Over 2 Hours!

Featured Cupcakes at the Event
Finally well rested after a full week of prep work and baking for the quake and fulfilling Easter orders for our little chicks...and it sure does feel good!  So sorry to leave the rest of you hanging in suspense of our updates.  I still cannot believe what a great success the Bake for the Quake was last Wednesday.  Over 600 people showed up at the fundraiser, which is amazing!! What's even more amazing is the overwhelming support that there was for SweeTease Cupcakes!  With people waiting nearly an hour to get into the Bake Sale and another 30 minutes just for our booth...I want to give everyone a BIG THANK YOU for all your patience!  I hope that the wait was able to get you some SweeTease goodies to take home with you.  
A glimpse of ALL our goodies SweeTease had to offer at the Bake for the Quake Booth.
Crowds hovered around SweeTease! =)
At the end of the event, we SOLD OUT of all our fondant ($5/cupcake) AND gourmet ($4/cupcake) cupcakes and am so proud to announce that because of fans like yourselves, SweeTease was able to fundraise OVER $600, contributing just over 50% of ours sales, to Doctors Without Borders in just over 2 hours!  That averages out to be almost 2 cupcakes were sold every minute that we had at the event!!! Now that is absolutely mind-blowing!!! ....and if you're wondering, yes...100% of the sales from our Japanese inspired items went directly to the cause (hello kitty cupcakes, sushi cakes etc.).   
Joy ( and Mel ( did an amazing job with the event and the PR team did a fabulous job getting the word out about such a great event!  Their teams of volunteers and helpers were my saviours at the event, having arrived late for our set-up (since I was just finishing up my sushi cakes and was being held hostage in traffic), their volunteers moved everything in as quickly as they could so that I could have my table filled with treats!  But before I could even have everything set up, the crowds poured in...and the madness began...good madness of course.  The 'ohhhhhs and ahhhhs' and the 'OMG!  Look at those! They are soooo cute!' were heard from all ends....and that reminded me of why I love what I do....and the payoffs of non-stop baking escapades in my little home kitchen!

Hello Kitty Cupcakes!!!  Strawberry cake with Pink Vanilla Buttercream...YUM!

Next project....looking for a good charitable way to give for cancer research (since I had to withdraw from my second year as a Rider for the Ride to Conquer Cancer 2 day cycling ride, because of a contracted wedding that I was booked for) and always trying to find the next best location to showcase more SweeTease goodies to the public!  

With that said...if anyone has any good ideas or recommends please let me know!  My next booked venue is going to be at the One-of-a-Kind Show in Vancouver, but I'm eager to see more faces before December! 

Here are more pictures of our exclusive cupcakes featured at the event.   For more event pictures - visit the!  =)  

Read some of the Event Recap Mentions in the Media:
Bake for the Quake Recap:

If you bought a cupcake from me at the Bake for the Quake, feel free to leave me a comment or drop me a note....I absolutely LOVE hearing from devoted cupcake fans!!!


  1. wow, you are one talented cupcake girl... =) I didn't show up until the end of the night but I was lucky to try your earl grey cupcake pop. I was surprised how moist it was after three days. You will go very far in this industry...good luck!!!

  2. Thanks Jen! Always nice to hear feedback and comments from people who had a chance to enjoy my little treats. Keeping my fingers crossed to see how far this little idea can go...and out to prove that all you need is passion, an idea and a whole lot of heart - to make something out of nothing! Hope there are more chances to see you out and about! =)
